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New Book: Comments:: Interesting but ironic to confuse plasticity with that of degenerative changes....!!!. 

Book Comments: I posted this recently on my LinkedIn:

Plasticity in the Nervous System in General or Brain in particular is mainly used to unravel the capacity of new growth such as neuritic or axonal growth after injury or other types of perturbations, furthermore it refers to new neurons formation such as in the case of Neurogenesis and also refers to behavioral recovery which is another form of neuroplasticity. Plasticity is the counteractive or reactive initiation of constructive growth process within the nervous system, either innate or induced. This process takes place in the nervous system due to an insult, injury or trauma, on the other hand, instead of growth (neuroplasticity) when the injury or trauma leads to pathological changes, it is referred into the field of degenerative changes or Neurodegeneration. Since when Neurodegeneration, a major area of neuroscience by itself mixed up with that of Neuroplasticity??. Is this just a terminology issue or the field itself is being misconstrued???. Do we call now neuronal destructive process as a plasticity too?... 
....Neuroplasticity is restoration and recovery of certain areas of the Nervous systems capacity to heal itself or can be induced to happen via experimental designs!. It will be interesting to look into the works and discussions in this new edition..!!

BookNEUROPLASTICITY and Its Dark Sides: Disorders of the Nervous System


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